They served fresh croissants drizzled with honey while we waited for our food. Delicious!
On Saturday Elaina did some more gardening and got our flag up on the front porch. On Sunday, she barbecued hamburgers and corn on the cob and I made a three ingredient "ice cream." I won't make that again. Just not the same as REAL homemade ice cream.
On Memorial Day, we went to the Coastal Carolina State Veterans Cemetery for the service there. There was some seating under tents but many more (like us) were standing. It was in the high 80's and very humid. I had to stand under a tree for a little shade. The Young Marines organization were handing out water bottles and with some help from a few veterans were bringing in a few more chairs, being offered to women who were standing (like me!) There was a prayer offered by a chaplain, the colors were presented and the national anthem was sung. Some members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart spoke and recited a poem. At the end we sang God Bless America.
It was all very moving. What impressed me the most I think, was the obvious veterans in the crowd who didn't just stand when the colors were presented, or the national anthem was sung, they stood at attention. Young veterans and older veterans alike in their shorts and T-shirts and flip flops. You know it when you see it!

So glad I got to do that. I haven't been able to go to things like this in the past. I had other responsibilities.
I also got to meet our future congressman, Taylor Griffin. Well, we hope he's our new congressman. Primary is June 7. If he wins that, he will probably win the general election!