Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend

Elaina had 5 days in a row off from work, so it's been nice to have her around more than just the nights and weekends.  Friday we went to New Bern and visited two of our favorite antique stores and a flea market that I hadn't been to before.  We had a nice lunch here at Morgan's Tavern and Grill:
They served fresh croissants drizzled with honey while we waited for our food. Delicious!

On Saturday Elaina did some more gardening and got our flag up on the front porch.  On Sunday, she barbecued hamburgers and corn on the cob and I made a three ingredient "ice cream."  I won't make that again.  Just not the same as REAL homemade ice cream.

On Memorial Day, we went to the Coastal Carolina State Veterans Cemetery for the service there. There was some seating under tents but many more (like us) were standing.  It was in the high 80's and very humid.  I had to stand under a tree for a little shade.  The Young Marines organization were handing out water bottles and with some help from a few veterans were bringing in a few more chairs, being offered to women who were standing (like me!) There was a prayer offered by a chaplain, the colors were presented and the national anthem was sung.  Some members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart spoke and recited a poem.  At the end we sang God Bless America.

It was all very moving. What impressed me the most I think, was the obvious veterans in the crowd who didn't just stand when the colors were presented, or the national anthem was sung, they stood at attention.  Young veterans and older veterans alike in their shorts and T-shirts and flip flops.   You know it when you see it!

So glad I got to do that.  I haven't been able to go to things like this in the past. I had other responsibilities.

I also got to meet our future congressman, Taylor Griffin.  Well, we hope he's our new congressman. Primary is June 7. If he wins that, he will probably win the general election!


Thursday, May 19, 2016

USO Baby Shower

Today I volunteered at the USO Jacksonville.

They held a baby shower for any active duty and active duty spouse expecting a baby or have had one between April and June.  Twenty expectant moms and some of their babies and/or kids attended. Some are due any day, and others not until June sometime.

When the moms signed up they were asked what their cravings are.  So the refreshment table had the following:

1. Gummy worms
2. Swedish fish candy
3. Sourpatch somethings
4. Mashed potatoes
5. Hot dogs
6. Cupcakes
7. Chocolate chip cookies

A fun example of how the USO aims to serve the military and their families!  They played some games, had a speaker from the Naval Hospital and the ladies were given a laundry basket full of baby things.  This was a chance for them to get to know each other too.

I helped set up tables and chairs, and get some of the food ready for the refreshment table.  It was a nice day and I'm sure the new moms enjoyed themselves.

If you want to see pictures, you can go here: 

I went to a couple of thrift stores on my way home but didn't find anything worth mentioning.  When I got home there was this

huge butterfly in the front yard.  The wingspan was probably a good 8 inches across.  I wish the picture was better, but he kept flying from blossom to blossom and he wouldn't hold still!

Well, that's life for today.  Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Thoughts for Mid-May

1. Almost everywhere I drive right now, I pass by corn fields.  The plants are in various degrees of growth.  Some are just a few inches high, and others are almost a foot high.  Looking forward to having lots of corn this summer, possibly grown just down the street! Elaina said last summer she ate fresh corn practically every day and considered it "dessert." 

2. You know you live in a military town when...
Shopping for a few items in Food Lion this morning when I saw a young couple (30-35ish) shopping together.  The wife was pushing the cart and the husband was walking close behind with his white cane.  He was proudly wearing a T-shirt with the Marine Corps logo on the back.  No question in my mind who he is. 

3.  March was my best Etsy month for sales.  April was a little slow, and so far only two orders in May.  The nice thing is one of the May orders was my biggest sale ever.  I wrote about this earlier this month, but here's a re-cap:  I had found an antique silver tatting shuttle at a yard sale for $5.00.  I knew it had to be worth more than that so I did some research.  I sold it for my asking price of $120.00 within the first week of listing it for sale!  It was made by a jewelry maker/silversmith in the 1920's.  I had previous offers on it that I wasn't willing to accept.  So glad I didn't cave and sell it for $50 or put it on "lay-away" for one customer.  I actually hated to part with it, it was a beautiful item.  I need to find more of this kind!

The other item I sold this month: an aluminum calling card case with vintage calling cards inside. (Thank you Patty Purcell, you may remember this). I wasn't even sure I should list it, but I did anyway.  It just goes to show you never know what people are interested in.  It sold for $5 and the mailing cost!  It has a picture of Pikes Peak on the cover and was probably a souvenir from Pikes Peak, Colorado.  I wrote to the Pikes Peak tourist office to see what they knew about it.  I had two very nice emails from a woman who works in the office there.  She actually went to the trouble of asking long-time employees if they knew what year/s this was available as a souvenir.  They didn't come up with anything, but it was worth a try.  

4.  On another subject, I have at least 5 mosquito bites right now.  I have to find some natural way of keeping them away from me in the evenings.  I hate to use the chemical kind with Deet in it.  Mine tend to swell up and spread red all around the bite.  (I know, too much information).  I read that some people have an allergic reaction to the bites causing more redness and hive-like spots.  I think that's what I had.  The good news is, the more you've been bitten, the more you become de-sensitized. Next summer should be a breeze!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mothers Day 2016

This has been a very nice weekend.  Elaina bought some flowers and planted some pots for the deck.  We spent a lot of time out on the deck just listening to the cardinals singing and watching the trees blowing in the wind.

 This backyard is like a mini forest all its own.  Of course there's a small creek and forest just over the fence.

Today we went to Lowe's and bought two aqua Adirondack chairs. 

We paid for them and took them to the car, and guess what?  They would not fit in the trunk at all. (Sometimes a girl just needs a truck.)  Elaina struggled with them a bit and decided to just go back in the store and return them.  However, a kindly older man stopped her and said, "My wife said I need to help you get your chairs home."  The wife had been sitting in their big ol' diesel pick up waiting for her husband and apparently saw us struggling with the chairs.  Elaina asked him if he was sure he wanted to do it and he answered yes!  So, they followed us home and delivered the chairs. 

We both thanked them profusely and Elaina tried to offer them payment but the man said, "Just pay it forward."  We intend to do just that.  What a blessing that was to a couple of single ladies who would have been disappointed in the day.  This is the second time a stranger has delivered a chair to us!  

We came home and Elaina made the Pioneer Woman's chicken salad recipe and we ate fresh pineapple and strawberries for lunch. We sat in our new chairs and ate out on the deck.  We had a gluten-free chocolate cake for dessert.

It was a very nice Mothers Day.  Glad I could be here to enjoy it.
(If I ever get to buy another vehicle, I'm buying a truck!)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Miscellaneous II

1. Our mailbox is at the end of the driveway.  Our mail delivery comes in a vehicle that looks like this:
 with flashing lights on top. 
 Not like this:  

I'm guessing they are contracted by the USPS to deliver mail? Never seen this before.

We have a visitor to our mailbox almost every day.  A little salamander/lizard/newt greets us there 9 times out of 10.  Don't know if he's the same one, or if a different one visits. Not sure why he/it wants to be inside a metal mailbox when he could be down in the flowers enjoying what salamander/newts/lizards enjoy.  Like bugs.  If I tap on the metal sides of the box, he runs away, which is good for me.  I'd like to have a "no vacancy" rule for creatures like him, but hey, I live in North Carolina.

2. Jacksonville is definitely a military town.  We have USMC Camp LeJeune, and MCAS New River, where Elaina works.  Being a typical military town, there are certain businesses that seem to do well here.  Like: barber shops and bars.  One business in particular makes me giggle when I see it.  It's called "Dirty Deeds."  Yes, it's a bar.  And a laundromat!  I'm guessing their clientele are single Marines...wash a load of clothes, toss in the dryer and sit and have a beer or play pool while you wait for your clothes to dry!  Somebody was thinking when they opened that place. They should open a franchise in other military towns.  Ha ha.

3.We had a rip-roaring thunderstorm this morning.  Abby has wanted to stay very close since her "mom" is at work.  I think the storm was right over the house for at least an hour.  Biggest "booms" I've ever heard!

4. Since the rain stopped there have been creatures coming out to enjoy a little sunshine.  Here's one:
Strangest looking caterpillar I've ever seen!  There was also a BIG lizard/newt/salamander on the front deck but he ran away (thank you) when I stepped out the door.

Just a few more interesting things that I'm not used to!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Etsy Shop Item

Yesterday I listed a sterling silver tatting shuttle in my Etsy shop. Six people had viewed it by the end of the day.  I had an email from a potential customer asking if I would take about a third of my asking price for it.  Uhh, no.  I just listed it and need to see if it will sell at my asking price.  One similar to mine just sold on Etsy for roughly the same price.  

Here's my shuttle.  It's marked "Sterling N&H."   The N & H stand for Nussbaum and Hunold who were jewelry makers and silversmiths in the early 1900s.  I am including the English antique crochet hook with it.  

I found this shuttle at a thrift store that was having a "yard sale" in front of the store.  It was laying on a table with a bunch of other yard sale-like items and some junk.  It didn't have a price on it, but the shop clerk asked the owner for a price.  He hesitantly told me $5, but complimented me on my good eye for finding it.  After doing research on it, I find that it is worth 20 times that.

This is the kind of thing that makes this fun and interesting.  Doing research on items is half the fun.  Actually selling them...icing on the cake.  Let's hope I sell this one for what I have asked.

By the way, every vintage fountain pen I had except for one has sold for very good prices.  Who would have thought?