Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Etsy in December 2016

December 2016 has been my best month for selling on Etsy, EVER.

Here it is the 20th of the month and I have had 13 sales. (14 items) Last December I had one sale.  It was a good one, but just the one. 

I have been trying to learn more about selling online and I guess some of what I've learned is paying off.  I've learned that you absolutely have to connect on other social media like Pinterest and Instagram.  I think those two have given my shop more exposure. (Thanks to my daughter for her social media expertise.)

That's done by "pinning" my own items to Pinterest boards, and posting pictures of my for sale items on Instagram using hashtags that are popular with other people who love vintage items.  

If you've ever wondered what kinds of things I sell, or what kinds of  vintage things people buy on Etsy, here's my December list of items sold:
Vintage Button Brooch

George and Martha Creamer and Sugar

Will Rogers Bio Book

Vintage pot holders

Embroidered Cloth

Art Deco Vanity set

1971  Cloth Calendar

Toy Iron

Children's Muffin tins

Amish Pepper Shaker

Embroidered Cloth
Mother of Pearl Tie Tack

Vintage Anne Diary
Hankie filled with Lavender

Am I making a living?  Far from it.  So far still a hobby, but who knows.  It may come in handy some day.  Here's the link to my shop:

Here's my Instagram:

Here's my Pinterest:

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Another trip into Burgaw, NC

I found out earlier this week that Stover's Auction House in Burgaw was having a one day tag sale today, so I made plans to go.  Since it's almost an hour away, I planned on leaving home at 7:45 a.m. It's best to get there early and sign in, so you're one of the first to get in.

We had a hard freeze last night, so it was 27 degrees when I went out to my car.  My car was covered in ice.  I used the scraper on my windshield, but it didn't do much.  I finally had to back my car up enough in the driveway so that the sun shined on it before I could leave!  I didn't get to leave until 8!
Such pretty little ice crystals all over the car.  

 I got to the auction house and there weren't many people there this time.  They had mostly furniture and some china pieces but nothing I was interested in to list on Etsy.

If you've read a previous post, you know I've been to Burgaw before.  I decided to stop at Fremont Antiques and see what they had.  It's a very nice store and I have bought something there each time I go.  So, I did so today too!  I bought 5 items that I can turn around and sell on Etsy for more than I paid for them.  

Fremont Antiques is in "Historic Downtown Burgaw."  I noticed today that the shop next door is actually an old fashioned department Store!  Imagine that.  Reminds me of the SQR store in Anaheim, where I grew up.
Fremont Antiques
Harrell's Department Store

Over the door Harrell's reads Established in 1903

Burgaw is a cute little town with lots of old homes, a huge courthouse (Pender County Courthouse) and a typical statue of a historic person in front.  The downtown area appears to be trying to revitalize, with coffee shops, cafes and other businesses.

Oh, and I saw this sign in the antique store. I thought it was appropriate for North Carolina, with all the hunting that is done here.

Anyway, it turned out to be worth the trip into Burgaw even though the auction house wasn't successful.  Hunting for vintage things for Etsy is my job for now.  (It's a good thing I enjoy it!)

(At noon, the temp. was 39, and now at 3:15 it's 45. Trying to stay warm.)