Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Nothing Permanent Except Change

After living here at "Little House in the Big Woods" since November 11, 2015 (me that is), we are moving.  Elaina is ready to begin the process of becoming a Foster parent. This is the beginning of realizing a dream she has had for many years.  She has known since she was a child that she "would love other people's children."  This is an exciting time, but it means a move to a much larger house.

I think we both have "love/hate" feelings for this Little House.  It is an adorable house on the outside and has a beautiful backyard. It has the feel of a cabin and basically sits in a forest. (All of Eastern North Carolina is a forest!)
Backyard last Fall

Backyard. Creek runs
behind the fence.Every time I try to count the trees back there,
 I lose count.
However, and that is a big however, it is very small on the inside and not conducive to fostering children and housing a senior citizen like me.  Elaina is a great cook and the kitchen just doesn't work for anyone who does anything more than warming food in a microwave.

This is the new backyard.
It's huge and has forest behind the fence.
(Everybody here has riding lawn mowers.
Can you guess why?) The lot is 1.09 acres.
Will have to learn to use an electric stove again!
This is the house we are moving to later this month.  Much bigger and newer!

I'm sure this the beginning of a new life for Elaina and some kids looking for somewhere to belong.  Happy to go along for the ride.


Patty said...

Wow, Cindy!! That's a big decision! The house looks wonderful, and looks like lots of room for a garden, too, if you ever wanted to do that! I'm excited for Elaina, she will have lots of love to give! Let me know your new address and date of move :)

Sue said...

It's a very exciting time for you both. So happy Elaina is following her heart.

Anonymous said...

That's so cool. Hey, electric cooking. Awful. I've seen in catalogs tops that fit on the burner to spread the heat out more evenly and easier to control the heat/cooking.