There's still emergency situations going on because the rivers are still rising. The pictures are amazing. People who evacuated their beachfront homes and went to higher ground, found their hotel rooms under water and not able to get home. Rescues were being done for people who thought they were getting away from danger. Just a crazy situation. People in towns with rivers like the Tar River and others, are having to evacuate even today.
Here's a couple of pictures of the New River near the USO. The water level is really high, but not overflowing, at least not yet. The USO is open tonight for their movie night for single Marines. They get about 30 Marines in for snacks and a movie. Gives them something to do on a Sunday evening (especially if there's no electrical power in the barracks).

I'm still feeling very grateful and thankful that we have been just fine here during this hurricane. Sorry for all the people who have flooding still happening in towns all over North Carolina.
1 comment:
I never thought NC would have it so bad! I thought it would only be along the shore. My niece had severe flooding in her area in NC, but not in her home. Only trees down. I'm glad you're safe, Cindy!
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