Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Etsy in December 2016

December 2016 has been my best month for selling on Etsy, EVER.

Here it is the 20th of the month and I have had 13 sales. (14 items) Last December I had one sale.  It was a good one, but just the one. 

I have been trying to learn more about selling online and I guess some of what I've learned is paying off.  I've learned that you absolutely have to connect on other social media like Pinterest and Instagram.  I think those two have given my shop more exposure. (Thanks to my daughter for her social media expertise.)

That's done by "pinning" my own items to Pinterest boards, and posting pictures of my for sale items on Instagram using hashtags that are popular with other people who love vintage items.  

If you've ever wondered what kinds of things I sell, or what kinds of  vintage things people buy on Etsy, here's my December list of items sold:
Vintage Button Brooch

George and Martha Creamer and Sugar

Will Rogers Bio Book

Vintage pot holders

Embroidered Cloth

Art Deco Vanity set

1971  Cloth Calendar

Toy Iron

Children's Muffin tins

Amish Pepper Shaker

Embroidered Cloth
Mother of Pearl Tie Tack

Vintage Anne Diary
Hankie filled with Lavender

Am I making a living?  Far from it.  So far still a hobby, but who knows.  It may come in handy some day.  Here's the link to my shop:

Here's my Instagram:

Here's my Pinterest:

1 comment:

Sue said...

I hope the sales keep going.