Friday, September 23, 2016

A New "Adventure?"

I think I'm finally over my allergy/asthma attack that I had earlier this month.  I still cough a little, but I don't sound scary to be around anymore!  ha ha.

Since Elaina and I started going to First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, I decided to join a small group, or as many churches call them a "Life Group."
Picture taken in Winter, no green grass!
I missed the first meeting of my life group because of my scary coughing, but I was able to attend last Tuesday.  We meet at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays in a home.  I consider this a new adventure because I haven't been part of a group like this since my days at Orange Evangelical Free Church.  This is a new place to live, a new church, and now a new group of people to share with.

This group is an all-women's group and the ages are from approximately 45-75 +.  The name of the group is PEARLS, and each letter stands for something else, but I don't have it memorized, sorry.  The few ladies I have talked with are very sweet, godly women and we have a few things in common.  As in all "Life Groups" things that are talked about in the group are private and not to be talked about outside the group. (Obviously I won't be sharing anything like that here!)

I can tell you we're going through a Bible study book called Seamless, by Angie Smith.  It's not a dry, read, fill in the blank, kind of study.  Angie is very knowledgeable and adds humorous and contemporary aspects to the notes.  There's also a short video 
each week by Angie.
Angie Smith

I'm looking forward to meeting with the other ladies each week and see what kind of adventures come about!

In other news, we have had very humid, cloudy, rainy days for the start of Fall.  Last night we had a super thunderstorm.  Late morning was bright and sunny, but we are expecting another storm today.  I'm hoping the Fall weather starts to feel like Fall soon, which means the humidity will go away.  Hooray!  (Right now it's 82 degrees with 74% humidity!)Aaanndd, it's raining......


Sue said...

Lots of new things happening. Bible study is new to me too. Haven't been to one in many years.
I hope you really enjoy your study and make some wonderful friends.

Elaina M. Avalos said...

Proud of you for doing it.