Monday, October 2, 2017

You Know You Live in a Military Town When....

We live in Jacksonville, home of Camp Lejeune, New River Air Station, and Camp Johnson.

We live in a subdivision called Sterling Farms.  The homeowners and renters of Sterling Farms have a private Facebook group that we are members of.  (All the street names of Sterling Farms have to do with gems, or precious metals, like Emerald Ridge, Silver Hills, Turquoise, Opal, Moonstone, etc. )

Now, believe me, not everything that happens on the Facebook page is positive, because people are people. However, last week a homeowner posted a request that she was a little afraid to ask, but did anyway.  She and her Marine husband have a baby boy.  Dad will be going away from home soon and was feeling bad that he won't be here for his son's first Halloween Trick or Treating.

She asked if anyone would be willing to let him and their son come "Trick or Treating" early, so he could experience it with his son.  So many people agreed to have them come to their house, that the wife gave out white balloons to put on our mailboxes to show that we were participating and they could find us.  We were excited to participate in this sweet idea for a new Marine dad.   

It was planned to happen between 5-7 p.m. on Saturday and when they hadn't come by at 7, we were disappointed, thinking they weren't coming, but our doorbell rang closer to 7:30 and there they were:  Mom, Dad, and little 9 month old baby boy in his pumpkin costume!  Elaina tossed candy in their bag and we chatted a few minutes before they headed for home.  So glad we didn't miss them!

Sweet little family so grateful for a neighborhood that agreed to let them come out.  They told me they gave up on pushing the stroller around because so many people wanted to participate, that they had to get in their car and drive to the streets where people had agreed to participate.  

Such a small thing, but these new parents have a memory to add to their baby's baby book! We would do it again or anything similar if asked.

It doesn't take much to do something nice for someone else, whether you know them or not!


Sue said...

What a great thing to do. I love that. I wish there were more people like that. I'm glad you got to see the little "Pumpkin."

Elaina M. Avalos said...

It was such a sweet thing.

Glenn said...

What a great story! Much needed in the world of tragic news. Thanks for sharing.

Patty said...

That's a great story, and I'm sure will be repeated to that baby boy for many years! I hope they have pictures! It's nice to hear good, inspirational, happy stories like this. Thanks for sharing, Cindy! Hey, I miss you!! :)