Wednesday, December 13, 2017

December 13,2017

I haven’t written a blog post in a long time.  I was getting ready to move into my apartment.  Packing up my bedroom for the third time in two years was hard!  Most of my household stuff was already packed and in the garage since my move from California.  I had been through some of my boxes in the garage and taken a bunch of stuff to a thrift store, but there was still a LOT of stuff.  My household had been in storage since about 2006, but I had also accumulated MORE stuff during my years living at my mom’s house.

November 13, 2017, I paid rent and got my key to my apartment, which I had never even seen before.  I had seen a similar one, but not THIS one.  Elaina and I packed both of our cars and took what we could to the apartment.  The management has a nice big flatbed dolly that we used to load up.  The best part?  There’s an elevator to the second floor, where my apartment is.  The flatbed dolly, just fits in there with two people!

On November 18, I had three Marines, (two male and one female) and the families of two of them load up a U-Haul and their pickup trucks with all my stuff and take it to the apartment.  They were done in two and half hours!  These Marines and families are friends of my daughter, or actually in her squadron.  The deal was that I would pay them each $50 for their help, but all three turned it down!  They love their Family Readiness Officer (Elaina) and just wanted to help.

You should have seen this tiny apartment with 50 boxes of household items sitting in the middle of the room with furniture all around the edges.  It took me over a week, but I went through each box one at a time and pulled out more stuff to give to a ministry called Philippians Place and put things away in the apartment. I think I am pretty well settled and feeling very content.

This apartment community is a great place and I am in awe of what God is doing with me, and my new home.  I will have a second post soon explaining why this is such a neat place for me to live.


Sue said...

God is good!

Patty said...

Wow, Cindy, that is awesome! I hope you're going to post pictures! I can't wait to see your new home! God IS good!! Merry Christmas and a very happy new year!

Patty said...

Wow, Cindy, that is awesome! I hope you're going to post pictures! I can't wait to see your new home! God IS good!! Merry Christmas and a very happy new year!

Glenn said...

Looking forward to seeing photos! Thanks for sharing!

Elaina M. Avalos said...

Happy for you!