Tuesday, August 23, 2016

August 23,2016 Royal Story Time

Today was the "Royal Story Time" at the USO.  The room was packed with little princesses and some would-be princes and their moms.  We hung up Disney princess posters and ephemera around the room and Disney princess place mats on the tables.  Everything was pink and pretty.

I helped set up the dessert table with cookies, brownies, and cupcakes.  Most of these come from people who volunteer to bring desserts for these events.

I worked at the craft table where the little ones were making  princess wands out of a popsicle stick or a tongue depressor. There were stickers galore and glue sticks and of course glitter. Lots and lots of glitter.  

The volunteer coordinator had on a Prince Charming costume and the assistant director had on a yellow ball gown much like "Belle" and read Beauty and the Beast to the kids.

Lunch was submarine sandwiches cut into small sizes from a local grocery store here called Lowes.  Of course they always have pb&j sandwiches for the smallest kids, chips, lemonade and tea.

Clean up means folding chairs, putting away tables, wiping down high chairs and sweeping the floor.  I did a little of some of these things and came home exhausted.

Whenever the USO does these events, they pass out surveys on the tables so that people can give their opinions of how the event went.  
Today, I asked them if they compile the surveys into one document for ease of reviewing and storing.  (My former co-workers will understand this.)  They have not done that in the past and mentioned that they have trouble storing everything.  So.....I asked if they wanted me to compile the surveys for them into one document.  They heartily agreed that it would be a good idea.  

So, this afternoon after I got home, I took 26 surveys from the last "No Dough Dinner" and compiled all the information into one 3 page document.  It's an easy thing to do, but could be time-consuming for the staff.  I hope they like what I did and will have me do more.  The No Dough Dinners and the story times all have surveys and maybe other events that I'm not familiar with.  By the way, a "No Dough Dinner" is done once a month at the USO or also now at the Cherry Point Base when it's not quite pay day, but you're "out of dough."  Local restaurants provide the food for those events too.  They probably average around 150-200 people for those.

Anyway, it was a tiring but fun day.  I got to do some office type of work that I enjoy and help Marine families enjoy a nice lunch.

Just found out that the auction house in Burgaw is having another sale on Thursday, so I'm excited about going to that again.  Let's hope I find some great bargains for re-sale there.


Patty said...

Good for you, Cindy! You are using your many skills for your volunteer service! They will love that! And if they need editing for any of their publications....you are the best!! let them know!

Sue said...

Wow! Sounds like a great day and you have their attention by doing some computer work for them. Maybe that will turn into a job. I hope so.

Anonymous said...

Did the glitter get to you? Thoughts of having to clean it up? lol. It would have bugged me, but can't show it. Glad you had a good day. Praying about that job.