Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Just Another Day

Since I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing with my life, I stepped out and went to a free two hour class at Coastal Carolina Community College yesterday.

The class is hosted and lead by the US government's Small Business Administration.  There was only 6 of us in the classroom from varying backgrounds.

The instructor came into the room, said, "Hi Y'all.  I'm from the government and I'm here to help you."   He clearly meant it as a joke.  There was only a few snickers from those of us in the room. 

The instructor had lots and lots of information.  So much so, that my head was "swimming" with too much to think about.  I didn't know the Small Business Administration did so much to help people get started in their own business.  Not sure that this is for me, but at least I have some information.  (According to the instructor my Etsy shop is a "hobby"  not a business)  For now, I will continue with my hobby.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Your hobby could turn into a business!