Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mothers Day 2016

This has been a very nice weekend.  Elaina bought some flowers and planted some pots for the deck.  We spent a lot of time out on the deck just listening to the cardinals singing and watching the trees blowing in the wind.

 This backyard is like a mini forest all its own.  Of course there's a small creek and forest just over the fence.

Today we went to Lowe's and bought two aqua Adirondack chairs. 

We paid for them and took them to the car, and guess what?  They would not fit in the trunk at all. (Sometimes a girl just needs a truck.)  Elaina struggled with them a bit and decided to just go back in the store and return them.  However, a kindly older man stopped her and said, "My wife said I need to help you get your chairs home."  The wife had been sitting in their big ol' diesel pick up waiting for her husband and apparently saw us struggling with the chairs.  Elaina asked him if he was sure he wanted to do it and he answered yes!  So, they followed us home and delivered the chairs. 

We both thanked them profusely and Elaina tried to offer them payment but the man said, "Just pay it forward."  We intend to do just that.  What a blessing that was to a couple of single ladies who would have been disappointed in the day.  This is the second time a stranger has delivered a chair to us!  

We came home and Elaina made the Pioneer Woman's chicken salad recipe and we ate fresh pineapple and strawberries for lunch. We sat in our new chairs and ate out on the deck.  We had a gluten-free chocolate cake for dessert.

It was a very nice Mothers Day.  Glad I could be here to enjoy it.
(If I ever get to buy another vehicle, I'm buying a truck!)


Sue said...

Wow! Such nice people! So glad you had a nice day. I had a perfect day too with several nice, friendly people throughout the day.

Elaina M. Avalos said...

I want a truck. Lol. I am glad you had a nice day.

Patty said...

A very happy Mother's Day for you both! Glad to know there are still nice people around who are willing to help you!